What is the difference between Pentest and Pentest as a Service?

What is the practical difference between regular pentesting and Penetration testing as a Service (PtaaS)? Let’s take a closer look at each aspect below with VSEC.

Pentest is a summary of Penetration Testing – a formula that evaluates the comprehensiveness of an IT information system through simulating a real attack authorized by that organization. Simply put, the goal of Pentest is to try to go deep into the system to discover potential weaknesses that hackers can exploit, thereby proposing methods to overcome them to eliminate the possibility of attacks in the future. future. However, the Pentest tradition is finding its limitations in the face of diverse threats, both in terms of versatility and attack power.

Pentest As a Services is a service that provides an automated mining tool platform, combining AI/ML to simplify the work of finding, analyzing and reporting hole holes, helping to shorten the implementation process, minimizing exploit development priorities.

Let’s look at these two different approaches to the same audience.

1. Entry Test Start Time:

  • Traditional Pentest

Before pentesting, we must first determine its scope as well as the vulnerabilities that need to be excluded from the search – for example, “brute power” attacks. As part of the pentest communications system, this step typically includes meetings, phone calls, and emails between organizations and service providers. Even at this stage, the price and timing of the pentest have been decided. Typically, toxicology testing begins 4 to 6 weeks after all of these questions have been answered.

  • Pentest As a Services

PTaaS’ helpdesk approach can launch a test in days or even in less than 24 hours if all stakeholders act quickly. PTaaS launches typically occur in less than a week from initial contact.


2. How to connect and communicate between pentesters?

  • Traditional Pentest

Communication between the pentester and the customer to obtain information systems is difficult, performing information exchange through many different channels can lead to not synthesizing information correctly.

Detected reports about drive errors are sent to customers, however monitoring and communication between customers and pentester is done through many different channels which can lead to information not being compiled accurately.

  • Pentest As a Services

Interact easily through the Ticket system, Hotline or private connection channel. Asset owners easily connect to pentester through a user assigned to the exchange. This strict rationalization offers three significant advantages over the conventional approach:

    • Communicating directly with researchers makes the pentesting process more streamlined by eliminating unnecessary middlemen;
    • Consistency or understanding issues can be discussed, clarified and resolved during compression to achieve greater efficiency;
    • The company’s employees can improve their skills by working alongside ethical hackers.


3. What is the process of collecting and sharing information on the forum?

  • Traditional Pentest

Project or drive findings and reports that do not have a central location reside in PDF documents, emails, and messages. Reports are created manually for each stakeholder’s needs

  • Pentest As a Services
    • Easily find results thanks to reporting, vulnerability management, and project management features
    • Pentest results and reports are automatically sent to the customer system.
    • Drive hole detection is easily shared using dashboard overview and reporting for customer needs.


4. Automation

  • Traditional Pentest

There is no automatic setup for pentest

  • Pentest As a Services
    • Provide pentest automation capabilities using agents containing pentest and scanning tools set up on their systems.
    • Provide the ability to automatically introduce to customers options for features and tools using AI-integrated work.
    • Provides the ability to automatically suggest pentest bug search engine options using built-in AI.


5. How much does it cost for one-time use?

  • Pentest transmission system

Cost for a compatibility entrance test. Price depends on the nature of the pentest – scope, duration, number of pentesters, required skills, etc.

  • Pentest As a Services

Reasonable cost for small businesses.


In summary, the benefits of Pentest as a Service (PtaaS)

  • Automate service delivery
  • The implementation process will be updated with implementation time to customers
  • Using PTaaS helps optimize implementation time => optimize costs for businesses
  • Easily connects to major remotes
  • Management and monitoring as well as reporting management are much simpler